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Cuata, is the feminine form of the word "cuate", in Mexican slang to refer to twins. Cuate originated in the Nahuatl "coatl", which in turn comes from Quetzalcóatl, the "feathered serpent" or also called "precious twin", was the Aztec god of duality, arts and crafts.



Isabel and Elena Moncada create the CUATA brand, as a result of the language they have developed as twins. When working in union, have achieved a unique synergy, due to the polarity of their personalities. The theme of duality is their common thread and is in their DNA as designers.

Our contemporary design exalts our roots and Mexican culture, of artisanal manufacturing with a high standard of quality that rescues ancestral crafts with a conscious commitment, by carrying out projects that support social causes for women and caring for the environment.


In our logo, the image of the circles divided by a line alludes to our creative duality as twins; where a shared universe nourishes its imaginary through the constant dialogue of two opposite personalities in continuous complementary rapport. The middle line means the mirror in which each is reflected by the other.

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“Constant change and transformation; the growth, the endless development of our trade, seeking to make the materials speak their own language, is a constant in our work”.

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