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Writer's pictureElena Moncada

The deer as a shamanic animal and spirit guide

The powers of the deer in the spirituality of out jewelry.

The powers of the deers are: strenght, virility, renewal and mildness.

In his wisdom he gives us the power of gratitude, the fact of valuing the masculine, the ability to listen, he offers us alternative paths towards goal, he has the ability to sacrifice himself for the better good, and the understanding of what is necessary to survival. The deer chooses to be the guide of two types of souls:

1. Those who have proposed to learn to enjoy direct contact with nature, appreciating and protecting all the species that inhabit it (veterinarians, biologists, ecologists, botanists and other occupations related to the restoration and protection of natural ecosystems). With all of them, he shares his strength, persistence and capacity for renewal. The learning of these souls is linked to the understanding of what is necessary and what is superfluous at each moment, with the power of gratitude and with the ability to sacrificing immediate satisfactions to achieve long-term goals, exploring all kinds of alternative paths to reach your goals.

2. The second type of souls that the deer decides to guide are those that need to deepen contact with their own masculine essence in order to feel internally supported by themselves, by their own strength, worth, creativity and personal power. Every man and every woman has to integrate within themselves the masculine archetype (Animus) and the feminine archetype (Anima) in order to become autonomous, independent, balanced and happy people.

The deer represents the active masculine principle that supports and protects the passive feminine principle that gives birth to life.

The deer for Christianism, represents the perpetual renewal of life and the seasons, thanks to its antlers (in the form of a tree) that the male loses every year at the end of the mating season. It is found in Celtic and Norse mythology and in classical mythology.

In ancient times it was believed that the deer was an enemy of the serpent, so it enters the iconography of Christianism as a symbol of Christ, who fights and defeats the demon represented by the serpent. In fact, according to Pliny (Greek naturalist) who wrote in Natural History, that the deer fights the snakes that look for their hole and distinguish them with the breath of their nose despite their resistance, the smell of its burned antlers is also used to drive out snakes, and the main remedy for snake bites is derived from the rennet of dead deer in its mother's womb.

The deer also has an important role in heraldry where it represents goodness and nobility. In its most spiritual meaning, it is a sacred animal, a spirit of gentleness and smoothness, a messenger, a sorcerer, a personification of corn and femininity. The antler of the deer is one of the characteristics that have placed it as a representative of spiritual superiority. Like a crown, the horns grow beyond its body, bringing it closer to heaven and the sacred, so in many cultures it is a symbol of spiritual authority.

In Tibetan legends, deers approach men to help them solve their problems, since their presence in a space represents the purity of a kingdom where fear does not exist. For the Wixaritarie, a town in central Mexico known as the Huicholes, the deer is an animal that translates the language of the gods for men. In his cosmogony the deer is the first shaman or marakame who becomes an interlocutor between the shamans and the other gods.

The Chinese interpret the meaning of the deer in a sense related to fertility, the more antlers the deer has, it will be a symbol of prosperity. As a meaning of renewal, it's fundamental the reconciliation with one's origins (parents, alive or not), gratitude for life, since whoever is at peace with his origins takes care of himself and protects his belongings, reconciles himself with spiritual life and relates positively with others, being essential for this to be well with the life partner or couple.

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